Father of Homeopathalogy

No individual has done
more good to the
medical profession than
(the father of Homeopathy).

~Sir William Ostler – The
Father of Modern Medicine~

Homeopathy did not merely seek to cure a disease but treated a disease as a sign of disorder of the whole human organism.
This was also recognized in the Upanishads which spoke of human organs as combination of body mind and spirit.
Homeopathy would pay an important part in the Public Health of the country along with other systems.
Medical facilities in India are so scanty that Homeopathy can confidently visualize a vast field of expansion.

~Dr. S. RadhaKrishnan – Former President, Govt. of India~

President of India
Rabindranath Tagore

It is not merely a collection of few medicines
but a new Science with a rational
philosophy as its base.
We require more scientific interest and
inquiry into the matter
with special stress upon the
Indian environments.

~Nobel laurel Dr. Rabindranath Tagore~

“Homeopathy…cures a larger
percentage of cases than any other
method of treatment
and is beyond doubt safer and
more economical
and most complete medical science”.

~Mahatma Gandhi~

Mahatma Gandhi
MD Praveen Chauhan

Homoeopathy is a mountain of Gold & we have only scratched some of the gold with a paper pin till now.
Therefore homoeopathy should play a much larger and wider role in providing an effective and safer health solution to the society but we should first stop looking this as an “Alternative therapy”.

~Praveen Singh Chauhan-MD “KAéRôN Natural Remedies Pvt Ltd”~